Keep your space clean with these tried-and-tested eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
Mixing these versatile natural ingredients with water is really all it takes to make your own cleaning products. The combinations create top-notch, totally effective solutions that will clean your home from top to bottom without using a single synthetic chemical.
1. White vinegar
The acidity of plain white vinegar removes grease, deodorizes and dissolves limescale without damaging surfaces. Look for basic white vinegar and add a couple of drops of your favourite essential oil. Special cleaning vinegar is also available, with a higher price tag, but plain is just as effective.
2. Sodium bicarbonate
Good old baking soda is great for absorbing odours—you may even already keep some in your fridge for that very purpose. This multi-purpose powder is very versatile, and can replace commercial scouring pastes and powders.
3. Citrus
Citrus fruits give a fresh scent to many cleaning products, but a lemon, for example, can also be used as a household cleanser on its own. In fact, it's just as effective as vinegar for cleaning, reviving, polishing and deodorizing floors, appliances and most surfaces in your home. Leftover cut lemons can be popped in the freezer for later use. A couple of minutes to thaw is all that's needed.
4. Vegetable-based soaps
We love natural vegetable-based soaps because they’re not harmful to the environment and are great for DIY solutions. Grate the bars yourself or purchase the soap in flakes and use for things like hand- washing delicate linens.
5. Essential oils
Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts. They clean, add fragrance and can also be antiseptic. Tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender are great for home cleaning because of their antifungal and anti-bacterial properties, but remember to check all essential oils for contraindications before use. (Some popular extracts can be too potent to be used around small children and pets.)