Have you ever noticed a recurring purchase on your credit card and thought, "Whoa. I didn't realize I was still paying for that." If so, you're not alone. These days, most people have recurring payments and subscriptions set on autopilot, making it all-too-easy not to notice what you're paying for and how much you're spending.
This phenomenon has become even more acute with the popularity of phone apps. In just a click, you can subscribe to something that, next month, you'll have forgotten all about!
That's why it's important to review all your recurring purchases and subscriptions annually and decide if you still want them. And, the end of the year is the ideal time to do that.
So take a moment this month to review your:
- Phone app subscriptions.
- Subscriptions to online tools
- Traditional subscriptions (such as to a newspaper or magazine).
- Recurring payments of any kind.