Many modern household indoor and outdoor lighting solutions rely on fixtures that use LEDs (light-emitting diodes), for good reasons. First, they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs, which convert much of their supplied energy into heat loss. In contract, LED lights dedicate considerably more of their supplied energy to produce light, which is why they stay cool to the touch. Furthermore, LED lights last much longer than other bulbs and wear out very slowly over time, rather than burning out abruptly.
Another advantage of LED lighting is the ability to design more creative styles, functionality and flexibility without the need for a large chamber to create and produce light. Although LED lights can be designed to resemble standard screw-in bulbs, some LED fixtures don't need traditional-style bulbs at all. For example, you can apply adhesive LED strip lighting without the need for any fixture or heaving wiring whatsoever, allowing for unique lighting effects in various locations.