If you are considering purchasing an electric vehicle (EV), you'll need to determine how you will charge it. Invariably, interested homeowners, who have available space, will prefer to have their own private EVSE (electrical vehicle supply equipment), rather than needing to rely on the availability of a spot at a public station. Before deciding on an EVSE, key factors need to be considered, such as the plug design of the selected vehicle, (e.g., SAE J1772), battery charge capacity and typical trip distances.
You may want to consider potential future vehicle purchases that will likely have greater batter storage capacity as innovations continue to develop. In the meantime, consider a minimum a "Level 2" 240-volt service, similar to the service required for a stove or clothes dryer outlet. While a standard household 120-volt plug-in may work, it will require significantly more time to fully charge the battery. As well, you should consider how an EVSE can best contribute to the value of your home. Even if you aren't planning to sell in the foreseeable future, we might all be surprised by the demand for on-site EV charging facilities in residential houses just a few years from now.