The cooler weather is here, and so too is drier, indoor air, which can leave you with dry skin and hair, a dry cough, or worse respiratory illness. For tips on how to keep moisture in the air this winter, read on. Use a humidifier, which will release moisture into the air, making it feel warmer, and thus less reliant on your heater (which will dry the air even more). Schedule an annual HVAC checkup for optimal efficiency to help regulate humidity. Seal any leaks around windows and doors to minimize heat loss, so you don’t have to turn up the heat as much. Cook on your stove top , which releases moisture into the air, whereas the oven will do the opposite. Hang clothes to dry , as the moisture will evaporate into the air. Embrace house plants. Plants release water vapor, which increases the indoor humidity. Open the windows a smidge , even if just for a few minutes. The fresh air will help push the stale, dry air out. Let bath water cool before draining , to help add moist...